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Paradise Rescued

Gironde, France

David Stannard

Founder and Owner Director

David Stannard

David was born and educated in England, qualifying as a Chemical Engineer from Birmingham University in 1980. He has had a successful leadership career in the petrochemical industry in the UK, Netherlands and Australia covering 40 years.

Together with his family, he purchased a small holiday property in Cardan, Bordeaux in 1992 which served as a family “home away from home” for many years. When changes in land rezoning and a resultant avalanche of property development in the village placed a consequent potential threat to the family property and ongoing heritage of the village, the time for action had arrived. Working closely with the community and neighbours, the family purchased the surrounding vineyard land in order to sustain it as an organically managed high-quality vineyard. Vineyard management operations commenced in January 2010.

SAS Paradise Rescued was formed in 2011 as the operational company to manage the vineyards, produce and market the wines to high quality international markets. Organic Certification (ECOCERT) was achieved in 2016. Today a dedicated and passionate team take care of each section of the operation from vine to wine and onto market and brand. Paradise Rescued is increasingly recognised as a niche ultra-premium organic micro wine brand.

David is both a passionate speaker and author of three books:

From Cabbage Patch to Cabernet Franc

It’s Not About the Dirt

Let’s Get Visual

Vintages Produced